Tuesday, April 13, 2010

who would have thought!

Never in my wildest dreams (and I am a dreamer) did I think I would end up becoming a Mum!  I never thought of it while I was younger (perhaps I just thought that getting married would lead to kids).  In the past few years, I thought I would be fine not to have a child.  I'd resolved that I was too selfish and had too many plans.  So....a little gamble and here I am with a 6.5 month old little man sound asleep (for now) as I write my first post for this blog.

This is the third attempt at a blog and I realize that theme-ing (that's not a word, but we'll go with it) a blog helps!  So, my first unthemed blog was merely an exploration into this world and was eventually tossed.  The second blog, sewcraftymummy.blogspot.com is on hold in fact because I found out that it is hard to be 'sew crafty' and be a new mummy.  However, scheduling the babe helps me find time.  I realize that with the babe, I do want to do more and more things (my lists run on and on and on and....).  Now, I want to share them with him.

So, that's why we're here with the third blog, Artsy Fartsy Mummy.  Simply a self designated title that I hope suggests that I am artsy (both a creator and lover) and a bit fartsy - simply to suggest that I am fun and full of whimsy.

The purpose for this blog was inspired by Erica Ehm's Yummy Mummy Club.  In my before baby life, I would troll galleries, buy art supplies and feed my stashes of fabric, yarns, etc.  I thought that I would have to put my city ventures on hold because of baby.  In fact, I don't.  I just have to strategically  and creatively schedule!  And be organized.  And have a stash of Baby Mum Mums on hand!

So, this blog is meant to show that one can be a Mummy and still connect culturally with her city - with baby and without (when I'm ready).

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