Wednesday, April 14, 2010

brief baby reprieve

A bit of an escape today.  I wasn't sure how I would feel about being away from the babe.  Truthfully, I haven't been away from the babe all that much since his arrival in September.  In all honesty, he travels quite well and is quite an urban baby - walking and transiting.

My baby reprieve today was in the form of a visit to the Design Exchange. felt quite good, in fact.  I panicked a bit when I heard a small child crying on the subway.  But then, out on the street, wearing high heels (sigh...foot happiness), feeling the swish of the hem of my dress against my legs, I felt really, really good.  And then, I got to talk about me! 

Bragging rights about my background in the arts, exhibition coordination, exhibition critique - oh bliss!!  Adult talk!  I raved about the Alexander Calder exhibition that was held at the AGO.  Then, I ranted about the King Tut exhibition and how terrible I thought it was.  We discussed the nature of blockbuster exhibitions and the Disney-fication of these types of exhibitions.  And, there was dialogue.  Oh, feedback. 

I love the little man, but he just doesn't give me his opinions!  He doesn't agree or disagree with me.  He smiles, gurgles, kicks his feet and than pinches my cheek. 

It was a gloriously free 2 hours today.  As I remember it fondly, I'm listening to his deep breaths on the baby monitor.  A great day!

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